Chapter 18 BNW Notes

Helmholtz and Bernard would be sent to
the island but they were happy and also john was happy. John went to asked the controller if he could go to the island with Bernard and Helmholtz, but the controller said he couldn't. John said that he would go anywhere, where he could be alone. John chose the old lighthouse as his hermitage, which stood on the crest of the hill between puttenham and elstead. John first night in the hermitage was, deliberately, a sleepless one. He spent hours on his knees begging forgiveness and from time to time he stretched out his arms as though he were on the cross and he repeated, "oh forgive me! Oh, make me pure! Oh, help me to be good!". John went far away to be alone, but then found himself being happy. Three delta - minus land - workers from one of the puttenham bokanovsky groups happened to be driving to elstead and, at the top of the hill, they saw john hitting himself with a whip of knotted cords and later on came a man from the hourly radio and he asked john why did he leave London and also why he was hitting himself with a whip and john answer in his own language, then he kicked the man out.
John had promised  himself that he would always remember Linda but the thought about lenina always comes through his mind. Darwin bonaparte has been hiding through the bushes for three night and the effort was worth it because he saw everything that john did.
Darwin Bonaporte released a film called the savage of Surrey and could be seem, heard and felt in every first class feely palace in western europe. While john was digging the ground suddenly he was surrounded by many people with cameras in their hands and they were throwing all kinds of things at john. John asked all the people to leave him alone but they said that they wanted to see john hit himself with a whip. John was tired so he lay down and after moment,  helicopters arrived and the first man was looking for john and they were calling his name but he didn't responded.


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