Chapter 17 BNW

John said, "art, science - you seem to have paid a fairly high price for your happiness" to the controller. The controller said before the nine years war, there used to be something called God. The controller had read a lot books  about God and john questioned him, why he doesn't give the books he read to the people.
Mustapha mond said that now people are never alone and they have conditioned them to hate being alone. Mustapha mond also said that nowadays, the greatest care is taken to prevent you from loving anyone too much and he also said that there's always soma to calm down your anger and to help you reconcile with your enemies. The controller told john that they have got rid of the difficult stuffs that people needed to put out with, before and now they made it easy for all the people. John said he likes inconveniences and the controller said that they don't like inconveniences and they like to feel comfortably. John said he wanted God, poetry, real danger, and freedom but Mustapha mond said that, what john claimed was to be unhappy.


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