Chapter 12 BNW reading notes

Bernard organize a meeting for the people to see john on purpose and Bernard didn't asked john whether he wanted to see the people. John refused to go see the people and Bernard didn't have other choice but to tell the people that john was busy and he couldn't see them. The arch songster said " to play joke on me" "on me". The women were also mad at bernard. Lenina was thinking to herself that she should tell john that she loves him. all the people were mad at Bernard and they would often talked things about him in a loudly  voice and pretend that Bernard didn't exist. after the party was over Bernard was left alone and decided to take four tablets of soma
 to forget about the things that happen and upstairs in his room john was reading Romeo and Juliet.Mustapha mond said that the purpose of life was not the maintenance of well being, but some intensification and refining of consciousness, some enlargement of knowledge. Mustapha mond also said "what fun it would be, if one didn't have to think about happiness. Helmholtz use one of his example in his  own rhymes in moral propaganda to read to his student and It was about being alone and the principal found about it and Helmholtz was almost fire from his job. When john and Helmholtz met together, Helmholtz achieved something that Bernard couldn't achieved with john. both john and Helmholtz respected each other and Bernard was jealous because his two friends like each other more than they like bernard. Both Helmholtz and john were  reading Romeo and Juliet.


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