
Showing posts from December, 2018

Fahrenheit 451 Essay

In the novel Fahrenheit 451, some characters are dynamic, a dynamic character is someone that could start in the beginning of the story seen life in a different perspective, then at the end of the story they could have a very different perspective of life. Each of us have the power to change who we are and we all need to leave something good behind in order for the people to follow our perspective of life. For Example, Montag is a dynamic character, and here are the reasons. First, Montag starts by saying he loves burning books, but then when Montag and Beatty are burning books, Montag grab a book to save it and  he want to read it and understand what is it inside the book. Montag smiles every time because he's living in a life he wants to, but all changes when he meets Clarisse because then she asked Montag if he likes the life he's living in, at the moment Montag didn't think because he's not use to those kinds of questions, but when he arrived to his house, he real

Staying power

Every time I finish reading a book, the important part always stays with me and later on I understand the message the book is sending to me. The little part of the story doesn't Stay with me because I forget about the little detail that happen in the story.


Something made with love is always going to be better than anything else, because people do it with love and pride and their not doing it to get something back or because their force to, people do it because they cared about what their doing.


Montag and Faber are planning  to save books and in order to accomplish what they want, they will need for the firemen to disappear so books won't be burn.


Montag did good from not wanting to go to work, because now he know he hurts peoples feeling from burning their books. In my case, if I had a job and I know I was going to hurt peoples feeling by doing the job, I wouldn't even want to do it and I wouldn't do it. Paycheck shouldn't guide us from doing a job that we know is going to hurt people, we should think first about those people then do the job if we still want to do it.

My semester goal

What I want to accomplish between now and finals is to get a better grade by finishing all the assignments and reading more. For this class I would want to get C or a better letter grade and I will tried to do every work I need to do to get the grade I want.