
Showing posts from November, 2018

The Right To Read

if one day suddenly the president prohibit reading, then that would turn the world worst because as more technology are coming then more likely people will forget about reading and the president will contribute more to people forgetting about reading. The president can't just suddenly take away the right to read because most of people like to read and all the people have the right to read and the president can't take the right to read away from them. If the president want a better world, then he should encourage more people to read. If the president take away the right of reading to all the people then that would be the same as the book that Bradbury wrote because in the time he was living, he described the time as when books were burn and it shows how the people suffers then that would be the same if the right of reading were taken away. For example, If the right of reading were taken away also the people will forget about reading and the world would be more worse, the world n

451 & Me

for example in the book Montag's wife need to take capsules to forget about the life she's living , that is similar to life today because a lot of people use drugs to escape from the life their living. in the book of Fahrenheit 451 most of the people didn't have rights and now all the people have the right to defend themselves. For example in the book students were taught to not say anything and to not ask any questions, but now students are taught about the rights they have. another example is that now more people use their phones and they forgot about reading and that is similar to Fahrenheit 451 because firemen jobs was to burn all the books. also in the book Fahrenheit 451 the people didn't have electricity and now all the people have electricity.

F51 Summary Part 1

In the book of Fahrenheit, Montag is a fireman and his job is to burn books and he also enjoy burning books. As the book continue, Montag met a woman and her name was Clarisse, Montag start a conversation with Clarisse and he noticed the happy she is and her laugh is sincere, but Montag's laugh is not sincere because sometime he need to think of something to always smile. Clarisse then start to ask Montag, about his life and the one question that really made Montag think about was when Clarisse asked if he was happy, at that moment Montag answer right away and he said he was happy. Montag got to his house and he thought about the question that Clarisse asked him and he realized that he's not happy at all and when he open his bedroom it was all dark and his wife laying down in the bed she also wasn't happy. Montag describe his house like a very sad place and he described his wife like someone who wants to live in a different life.

Fahrenheit 451

 Bradbury chose " The Hearth and the Salamander" as the title of his chapter because Montag is a firemen and Bradbury is trying to make a connection in a way that  Montag is related to fire.  Montag enjoy burning books and to see them changed. Bradbury chose to represent fire hose as a " great python " because it might be a signal for something negative to happen.  the 451 represent the degrees that books burn. Clarisse McClellan is described as a very curious person and it was Clarisse perfume that got the attention of Montag.  The names "Clarise and "Guy " are significant because Clarisse is very smart and love to read books and guy just like to burn books  When Clarisse ask Montag about the way of his life, he just answer right away , but then he started to  really think about the question. Clarisse likes to smell things and look at things while Montag likes to burn things. Clarisse spend her time imagining things and also spending he

So this guy goes for a walk

Ray  Bradbury goes for a walk on an evening and it was all silence through all the walk and the police stop him. Ray Bradbury gets to his house and wrote his story but he change it a little bit because he imagine the story differently and by doing that his tone for writing the story was serious because something very strange happen to him which was the police stopping him and throughout the story it was serious and mysterious.


Charles Dickens was an author and he's my hero because he was part of the society change by the way he wrote his story to make society think differently.


  In the essay Emerson's tittle was about how we all have the power to rely on ourselves and our own resources much rather than others. Emerson's thesis was about how we all have something to say, but most of us don't say anything and in order for something to change we need to speak up and we all have something genius in us. Emerson's main idea was supported by his tone because he was being sincere through out the whole story and he was always talking about how we all have power in us to do whatever we want to do. In the essay the words he chose to write the essay also supported his main idea because he was using a big word and he chose the perfect words to tell the story an it also gives us an idea of how Emerson personally was and how he thought about society. In Emerson's essay, the way he organized his word was very good an it supported his main idea because he was using it in a very good way. "Their two is not the real two, their four not the real fou