
Showing posts from March, 2019

Brave New world chapter 9 notes

In chapter 9, Lenina was tired of the problem she went through and all she did to forget about it was to swallowed six half tablet of soma. John went looking for Bernard but he didn't answer and the door was locked, then john look through the window and he saw the initial of Lenina so he entered through the window and saw Lenina  sleeping.

Brave New world chapter 8 ideas

Bernard ask john to explain all the things he remember about the pueblo because Bernard want to know how his world is different from john's. Linda has relationship with different guys and the women in the reservation doesn't like how Linda acts because In the reservation woman are to be with only one man.Pope always bring mescal to linda which is a type of drink that people drinks. John doesn't really like pope but he doesn't find a word to describe pope. John felt alone when he was alone be reproach by many people. John decided to be crucified next to a rock like Jesus and he want to feel what Jesus felt when he was been crucified. Bernard proposed john to go with him in the world he was living. When john found out that Bernard and Lenina were not married, john laugh with pure joy he was happy that Bernard was not married to Lenina.

Chapter 8 Brave New world notes

In chapter 8, john remember when he was a little boy and he was with his mother in a room and a man wanted to be alone with Linda, so the man took john and sent him to the other room so he could be alone with Linda. John was calling Linda but she didn't answer. John hated all the men that came to see Linda. John tried to help Linda when three women were fighting her, but john as a little boy couldn't do much to help his mother. John learn how to read but he didn't understand the meaning of it and john would often asked Linda what he didn't understand but she didn't know how answer john.

Chapter 7 Brave New World

In chapter 7, Bernard and Lenina were traveling in new Mexico. In New Mexico, when two young women were giving breast to their babies it made Lenina turn away her face. In New Mexico a young man talk about how he never get the oppurtunity to be the one sacrifice because they disliked him and also the young man mentioned Jesus. The young man dad was thomas and he describe him as a bad,unkind, unnatural man and the young man was born in malpais. Linda mas the mother of the young man. Linda felt very bad being a beta and having a baby and everyone were against her. Linda being a beta and working in the fertilizing room, never learned anything else and she didn't know much about life.

Reading me

I actually don't read after school because I always spend more time on other things and sometimes I feel bored and I decide to not read.

Chapter 6 part 3

In chapter 6 part 3, Bernard found out that the director was going to replace him and Bernard will be transfered to Iceland.  Bernard didn't take the threat seriously and he was scared now that he might be sent to iceland.

Chapter 6 part 2

In chapter 6 part 2, Bernard felt uncomfortably and he thought to himself "A man so conventional, so scrupulously correct as the director and to commit so gross a solescism". The director said he had  the same ideas as Bernard, when the director decided to go to New Mexico with his girlfriend but his girlfriend disappeared and the director  never saw her again. The director is not happy with Bernard behaviors and the director warned Bernard that they would transfer him to iceland if he hear something else about Bernard. Helmholtz like Bernard because he knew that he could talk with Bernard about the things he felt important.

Chapter 6 part 1

In chapter 6 it started of by describing how Lenina is trying to decide whether to go with Bernard in New Mexico or go with Benito Hoover in North pole. Bernard considered electro - magnetic golf  a waste of time instead Bernard wanted to walk and talk with Lenina and Lenina thought that was an  unusual way to spend their time. When Bernard look at the sea it makes him feel more of himself and not part of something else. he describe the sea as lovely place. Bernard want to be free and also want to be happy in his own way and not like everybody else's way. In page 94 Bernard said that him and Lenina acted like infants and they should've acted like aldults.

Chapter 5 Brave New World

In chapter 5 page 75, Lenina and Henry went to the club and entered into the dining room, they served an excellent meal, Drug(soma) was served with the coffee. Bernard was alnost late to Ford's(God)  Day Celebration, So he went and entered into the room 3201 and he was glad he wasn't the last, so he chose the nearest seat. After a while Bernard realize that next to him they were two person he didn't like, so he regret that he didn't give himself time to choose another seat. In Ford's celebration day, the president past out soma for all the people to use.

Chapter 4 Brave New World

Bernard didn't like himself and how he look, he wanted to be like Henry foster and Benito Hoover because Henry and Benito didn't have to yell a lot, for people to obeyed them. Bernard go to see helmholtz and he also admire helmholtz. Helmholtz is a writer and all he wants is  to find a way to teach his students a new way to write.

Chapter 3 Brave New World

When they put games or activities for the people, the only thing that the society wanted was to get the people to buy things. Also in this chapter Lenina crowne  and fanny talked about how the things they don't need, they should throw away. Mustapha mond mentioned that the controllers realized that force was no good against the people , so they decided to use another method which is conditioning and that meant teaching people and that meant teaching people to be who they wanted them to be. Mustapha mond also mentioned that they were intensive laws that was made against women who produced children.

Brave New World Conversation

In brave new world the surprising thing is that, they are designing human to what role their going to play in the world and it is shocking that in the world that huxley describes humans are made up of machine and in our world  all of us come from human.

Chapter 2 Brave New World

In this chapter , the DHC first put infants near  books and flowers and once the DHC saw that the infants were happy near the books then DHC started to tortured the infants by putting loud noises and electric shock and as the result of this the infants started to dislike books and flowers. The DHC want to have control over the infants because when the infants  grow up they would fear books and the DHC will have controlled over the infants. Also in chapter 2, Huxley describe how the students memorize the important things for their test and after the test is over they forget about the things they learned and that is similar to our world. Also in chaper 2, they are teaching students to look down to other group of people or to think they are better than other people.

Chapter 1 Brave New World

In brave new world people are been  designed to what role their going to play in the world. This sentence caught my attention "Not philosophers but fretsawyers and stamp collectors compose the backbone of society." The sentence caught my attention because it was saying that the society don't need thinkers but the people to do the small things. Also in chapter 1 page 14, a student asked a question but then he was yelled at and they answer him but the student was confused. In this book they don't want people to.adk questions, they just want to be able to do whatever they want. This sentence caught my attention, Mr. Foster said " If they could discover a technique for shortening the period of maturation what a triumph, what a veneration to society!